Well today is my birthday. So if you love me, please just say "Happy birthday!" in the comments section ;-) I know, I know. I am a selfish person to actually go and ask people to wish me a happy birthday, LOL! But it is just a clever, and guilt trip way to get you to comment on my blog. ;-) You see, to us bloggers; getting a comment on your blog is better than getting a card in the mail. Because you know that people are actually reading this stuff.
They are all working so hard... Well it just looks like Sweetie is. But the others are helping by keeping the icing from dripping of off the knife. That's important too; you wouldn't want to waste the icing, Right? Right!
They all look a little too wide eyed and chipper in my book
A Master piece. It actually was very tasty. And my hips are thinking so too. :) What a party! I think it is the best I have ever been to! :)
Speaking of my birthday, my girls are PARTY GIRLS!!!
Every day, there is some occasion, reason or excuse for them to have a party. Whether it is my birthday, the dogs birthday, or whatever. Every day, is a day to celebrate with my girls.
Usually I down play it and say, "Not today dearies" or, "We'll see, maybe another time". You know; Being the mean mommy who always says no.
So when my mom wanted to come over for the day last week, I said,
"Girls, Nana is coming over, so we can have a tea party" Such joyous rapture erupted, you would of thought that they won a shopping spree to Toy's R Us. Or something that significant!
So the plans began. Sweetie began making paper party hats. Designing and coloring each one carefully. Sweetie and Bean both helped clean the house without the usual, "I'm tired" or "My tummy hurts"
Then, Sweetie declares, "Let's make a cake"
Ugggg... I roll my eyes (when they weren't looking of course) and I gotta agree to it, as I did tell them that we were going to have a party. And what party would be complete without a cake?
So the morning before Nana, came we made a cake. But not just *any* cake. A Heart shaped cake, mind you. And a tiered heart cake to be exact!
Nana arrived just as the cake was finished cooling, and I set it before all the children to "decorate". They were pretty quiet for the next 20 minutes. I took a couple of pictures of their hard, diligent and beautiful work.
Happy Birthday!!!!!! That cake does look like it was very yummy:)
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you!
They did a wonderful job on the cake!
Many many blessings over you today and this next new year of your life!!
Bless you, Friend!
Wishing you a very blessed birthday!! :)
(I'm singing--you just can't hear me.) :D
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you !! Hope your having a beautiful day full of joy and family. I am soo glad we met. Hope your little girl is healed up from that unfortunate event a while back. Many hugs and blessings coming your way, Mica
Happy Birthday to you! What a sweet cake that your children made for you!
Happy Birthday!
Oh, how could I have missed this by a day. Well, happy birthday to you a day late. You're still celebrating aren't you?! I hope it was happy. xorachel
Happy Birthday! Sorry this is a few days late! I hope it was WONDERFUL!
The cake looks great!
I tagged you in a meme...please come and play. :)
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