FOR TODAY~ November 10th, 2008...
Outside my window...
It just turned dark, and Fritz is outside enjoying the cooler weather this week.
I am thinking...
That this election brought out some interesting stuff. ;-)
I am thankful for...
Jesus Christ, who is the only one who can bring about real, and true change. The only one who can and will fulfill ALL of His promises, and the only one who can offer *REAL* hope for every man and woman.
From the learning rooms...
This week, I am still going to do the basics, and try to add in extras as I feel better. We are planing on going on a field trip this Thursday to a nearby light house.
From the kitchen...
Not sure yet, it's one of those nights where the weekend has been long and tiring, and you feel ""blah" I am not motivated to cook. " Probably Spaghetti or Rice with some kind of meat.
I am wearing...
A brown T-Shirt and Denim Skirt
I am creating...
A Paper Heart for Bean
I am going...
to a friend's from my MOPS group house tomorrow for lunch and some fun with the kids.
I am reading...
Homegrown Teaching by Raymond and Debbie Moore
I am hoping...
That I start to feel more awake. These past few days I have been feeling extremely tired; almost anemic. I just couldn't shake myself awake. I have felt a little better today, but this afternoon, I still felt a bit sluggish.
I am hearing...
"A Charlie Brown Valentine" picked out at the Library by the kiddos. And Sweetie and Bean making Paper hearts inspired by Charlie Brown. ;-)
Around the house...
The laundry is about caught up; just need to fold a load and dry another. I have been following my Motivated Moms list this past week, so the house has been running smoothly.
One of my favorite things...
Backyard Campfires, roasting hot dogs with the kids... Something we did last night as the weather was *perfect* for it.
A few goals for the rest of the week:
Following my Motivated Moms list again, Spending more time with the Children doing "fun" stuff.
In my book I have been reading, it talked about having children learn to serve. So I am praying about an area of service for them.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Please Visit the Simple Woman at to read other day book entries. Have a good evening!
I hope you have a wonderful week and feel all better soon!
very cute and very funny picture.
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