FOR TODAY... from Mommy's Daybook
Outside my window...
Slightly Chilly, and very bright and sunny. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day!
I am thinking...
About my New Year's Goals and Priorities that I am trying to form
I am thankful for...
For the family that God has given me. Almost everyday I am amazed at how perfectly they fit me. How they challenge me. How they have taught me, molded me and grown me into a better person.
I am wearing...
Pink exercise pants, and a way over sized turquoise t-shirt, white socks, and unbrushed hair
I am going...
Not sure yet
I am currently reading...
Three Books:
The Naked Gospel by Andrew Farley
The Duggar's 20 and Counting by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar
Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
All books are great reads so far. I have differing thoughts and opinions on the Passionate Housewives one, but for the most part, it's pretty good. Just gotta chew the meat and spit out the bones. ;-) And for the most part there is more meat than bones.
The Duggar's convictions of their family are different than mine. But one reason I love the Duggar's so much, is that they always emphasize that it's their own personal conviction, and they always encourage their reader to read their Bible and pray before they make a decision on which direction they should go with their own family. In essence they let the Holy Spirit do His job with individual Christians and don't force their ideas down peoples throats.
I am hoping...
That plans to go out with a friend to Thrift Shop and get coffee will play out without incident tomorrow
On my mind...
Getting the house clean after Christmas and decluttering
Noticing that...
there are more and more hurting and confused people in this country
Pondering these words...
If we find ourselves in a position where we feel that serving our families gets in the way of serving Christ's Kingdom, then we should fall on our faces and repent..... ~Passionate Housewives Desperate for God~
I agree with that whole heartily! So many people in church leadership positions think that if a woman stays at home and serves her family and doesn't participate in outside ministries at the church that she isn't obeying the Great Commission.
This is one of the reasons I am loving Passionate Housewives Desperate for God. The Book is meant to encourage women in the calling of staying at home with their children and serving God in that position.
I am liking the perspective that this book exalts the woman in her calling to be a stay at home mother. Rather than a "season of life" that she needs to get through in order to go onto "higher and better things"
However, the bones that are in this book have to do with scripture that has been taken out of context, and a hint of a legalistic attitude. But I am not finished with the book yet, so I can't make a fair judgment as of yet.
Some other Words I am pondering:
As a child, my wife, Katharine, lived in Colombia, South America, with her parents who served there as missionaries for four years. In Colombia, Katharine visited some of the most legalistic churches imaginable. Elders and deacons who were well respected among their peers were caught with other men's wives. Admired church leaders turned out to be drunks, compulsive gamblers, or extortionists.Wow, is all I have to say! That is so true. I have seen it with my own eyes unfortunately. :(
Perhaps the most amazing even was when a man's car blew up in his own driveway, apparently an assassination. The charred body was recovered from the flames, and a funeral was held for the man. About a year later, the man was found alive and well in another city--married to another woman! It turns out he had dug up a cadaver from the cemetery and staged his own death. Apparently, he carried out his charade because of the extensive gambling debts he owed to the local mafia.
Katharine witnessed both extreme legalism and extreme immorality at the same time. Those outrageous evens served to illustrate an important point about life under the law. We can dress up, play church, and gain the respect of those around us through the trumpeting of our strict religious rules. But no amount of window dressing can change reality. Sooner or later, life under the law will evidence itself.
In Christ, we die and are reborn--free from the law. So we don't have to pretend. Playing church leads to more sinning every time.
~The Naked Gospel~
From the kitchen...
Most likely leftovers. I have no idea, LOL!
Around the house...
Girls are playing outside and Tiny Boy is asking me for coffee
One of my favorite things...
Clean smelling carpets! Thanks to my friend, who allowed me to borrow her carpet steam cleaner, I now have fresh clean carpets! ♥
From the learning rooms...(if this applies)
Still on break from Christmas
I am creating...
Some Christmas presents that I didn't get to finish. Don't know when I will get to finish them either. :-o
I am hearing...
The girls talking to their daddy, and Tiny Boy scarfing down a bit o coffee
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Go out with a friend, and finish cleaning the carpets. Maybe organizing and getting rid of clothing that doesn't fit the kids anymore
From my picture journal...
To read other ladies Daybooks be sure to visit The Simple Woman's Day Book
1 comment:
I've been thinking about reading "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God".. Sounds really interesting. It looks like I will put that on my books to read this year list :) Thanks for sharing it.. Hope you had a blessed Christmas and New Year and I really enjoyed doing the simplifying christmas meme this year.. Many blessings <><
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